

BIDS-fmripost是基于fMRIPrep 的后处理分析流程,基于nilearn开发。分析功能包括:

  • 协变量回归(confound regression)
  • 空间平滑(spatial smoothing)
  • 基于脑区的BOLD信号提取 (BOLD signal extraction)
  • 功能连接网络计算 (FC network)

目前主要用于静息态功能磁共振影像数据的脑网络分析。该脚本的输入数据需符合BIDS格式,输入模态需包括3D-T1w和fMRI。目前支持的图谱包括: AAL1_MNI, AAL2_MNI, AAL3_MNI, desikan_T1w, destrieux_T1w, hcpmmp_T1w , schaefer100_MNI, schaefer200_MNI , schaefer400_MNI, schaefer1000_MNI, PD25_MNI


Chenfei Ye
Chenfei Ye
A connectome weaver

The brain’s billions of neurons resemble trees of many species and come in many fantastic shapes. Only the most determined explorers can hope to capture a glimpse of this forest’s interior, and even they see little, and see it poorly.