
Chenfei Ye, PhD, Research Assistant Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China.

A defender of open science. A believer of brain connectionism.


The brain’s billions of neurons resemble trees of many species and come in many fantastic shapes. Only the most determined explorers can hope to capture a glimpse of this forest’s interior, and even they see little, and see it poorly.
                        ― Sebastian Seung

  • 🧠Neuroimage informatics
  • ☕Caffè Latte
  • 🏸Badminton
  • 👀Hupu JRS
  • 🏀Let’s go Heat
  • PhD, 2014-2019

    Harbin Insititute of Technology (Shenzhen)

  • MEng, 2012-2014

    Harbin Insititute of Technology (Shenzhen)

  • BSc, 2008-2012

    Harbin Insititute of Technology (Weihai)

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Recent Publications

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(2024). BrainMass: Advancing Brain Network Analysis for Diagnosis with Large-scale Self-Supervised Learning. In IEEE TMI.

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(2023). Spatial-temporal patterns of brain disconnectome in Alzheimers disease. In Hum Brain Mapp.

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(2022). MRF-Net: A multi-branch residual fusion network for fast and accurate whole-brain MRI segmentation. In Front Neurosci.

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(2022). Ensemble learning via supervision augmentation for white matter hyperintensity segmentation. In Front. Neurosci.

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(2022). Regularizing Brain Age Prediction via Gated Knowledge Distillation. In MIDL.

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(2022). Three‑Dimensional Digital Reconstruction of the Cerebellar Cortex: Lobule Thickness, Surface Area Measurements, and Layer Architecture. In Cerebellum.

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(2022). Coupling of brain activity and structural network in multiple sclerosis: A graph frequency analysis study. In J NEUROSCI RES.

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(2021). Alteration of brain structural connectivity in progression of Parkinsons disease: A connectome-wide network analysis. In Neuroimage Clin.

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(2021). Multimodal MRI assessment for first episode psychosis- A major change in the thalamus and an efficient stratification of a subgroup. In Hum Brain Mapp.

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(2020). Epidemiology and transmission of COVID-19 in 391 cases and 1286 of their close contacts in Shenzhen, China: a retrospective cohort study. In Lancet Infect Dis.

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(2020). Quantitative evaluation of iron content in idiopathic rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder. In Mov Disord.

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(2019). Extended multimodal whole-brain anatomical covariance analysis: detection of disrupted correlation networks related to amyloid deposition. In Heliyon.

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(2019). Relationship between neuropsychological behavior and brain white matter in first-episode psychosis. In Schizophr Res.

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Harbin Institute of Technology
Research Associate
Harbin Institute of Technology
May 2022 – Present Shenzhen
Research on brain MRI and neuroinformatics
Pengcheng Laboratory
Pengcheng Laboratory
Mar 2020 – Mar 2022 Shenzhen

Responsibilities include:

  • Research on human brain network analysis
  • Engineering on Suwen Medical AI Platform


Brain image process

Brain anantomical parcellation, White matter quantification, Tractography, Lesion detection, et al.

Disease marker identification

Neurodegeneration(Alzheimer’s, Parkinson), Psychological Disorders (Schizophrenia, Depression), Neuroimmune Diseases (Multiple Sclerosis), et al.

Brain connectomic analysis

Brain structural & functional connectivity analysis, Graph theory, Dynamic modelling, et al.
